About the Course
This session is eligible for 1.0 Standard CLE credit and Social Work CEUs.
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About this session:
This session was the opening plenary conversation of MNJRC's 2023 Re-Imagining Justice Conference. To learn more about the annual conference, please visit: https://www.mnjrc.org/re-imagining-justice-conference
The modern juvenile justice system was originally created around “rehabilitative” ideals to treat young people who cause harm differently from adults. How does a system founded on the idea that youth should be treated differently from adults consider the humanity of young people? This plenary will be a conversation between experts in the youth justice space who each bring different perspectives and experiences to grapple with questions about youth humanity, the criminalization of youth, the possibility of restorative practices to address harm, and how legal work, advocacy, and research might come together to transform our youth justice system.
The plenary participants are:
-- Subini Ancy Annamma, an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University with experience as a special education teacher in public schools and youth prisons
-- Malaika Eban, the Executive Director at the Legal Rights Center, a nonprofit public defense firm in Minneapolis
-- Curtis Shanklin, Co-Director of the Minnesota Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) and Community Faculty at Metro State University.