About the Course
This session is eligible for 1.0 Standard CLE credit and Social Work CEUs.
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About this session:
This session was part of the MNJRC's 2023 Re-Imagining Justice Conference. To learn more about the annual conference, please visit:Â https://www.mnjrc.org/re-imagining-justice-conference
"The system we have is that we hurt people who have hurt people to show them that hurting people is wrong and bad. We are just perpetuating that cycle. I'm interested in being here to interrupt that cycle, both on the interpersonal level…and also those systemic harms." -Research focus group participant.
Using community-based participatory approaches, critical race and feminist theories, qualitative methodology, and contemplative practices, the presenters explored restorative justice (RJ) in gender-based violence (GBV) contexts in Minnesota with practitioners from across the state. In this session, we will explore the results of this innovative study, Challenges and Opportunities to Using RJ for GBV, and consider ways in which restorative approaches could be applied in diverse settings.
In addition, participants of this session will learn about, and experience practices used in the project. Implications for this project are directly applicable to people working in settings such as schools from K-12 to higher education, youth and community development, criminal legal systems, and gender-based violence prevention and response.
--Michelle Braley, Executive Director, Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice
--Katie Querna, Assistant Professor in the Social Work Department at St. Cloud State University